Here's today's topic: How to use your smartphone smartly.

When you are considering how to use your smartphone in a smart way, you can think of some old-fashioned tips told by people, blogs, and manuals. Maybe those are instructions for specific functions which look 'really' fancy such as motion sensor, automatic synchronization with other devices and so on. Right! it is very smart function which has never been realized.
But.. do you really think using those functions make you smarter person?
My answer is ...
Then how can we use the smartphone in a 'real smart way'?
Here're three short tips for you!
1. Don't use the smartphone in front of someone you are talking about.
It can harm the relationship with the person in front of you. He/she can feel isolated and think you are not interested in the conversation. It doesn't really look smart.
2. Don't use the smartphone when you are in a class.
You are not a special one who are allowed to use smartphone even the class seems boring. It is truly disrespectful to your professor and you are loosing opportunity getting good grade at the moment! You'd better be smart!
3. Don't let your smartphone bother you when you are studying.
Somebody thinks smartphone can help you study. That's true only when it is used for searching information, not chatting with your friends or watching something waste of time.
Those three tips are really b.a.s.i.c. rules I recommend for you.
Please keep in mind those and be the 'real smart person' who use smartphone wisely!!
Smart phone is useful for me when I search the internet, calculate some figures, etc..
답글삭제but It also bother my life. It bothers my concentration especially when i study. I really worry about it, so your tips for " Use the smartphone in a real smart way" are helpful for me.
It's so nice advise about using smartphone... Especially, nowadays(next week is midterm exam) so useful recommendation. I know these three but I hard to following that. However...I have to effort...