2015년 5월 23일 토요일

Group project outline

Hi, guys! Nice to see you again :)

Today I am going to tell you about our video which will be made soon!
The topic of video is 'Delivery food in Hanyang.'

(See how much options you can take :O)

Korean people are very familiar with delivery food as some of you might know. If you are not Korean or don't know much about Korea, I'm sure you would be surprised to see how much the delivery food system is developed in Korea. And you will get lost choosing which food you would take among a lot of options given to you.

So, we decided to make a video which is introducing the most favored delivery food in Hanyang Univ. We are going to make a quick survey and interview random people eating outside. In that way, we are expecting to figure out what kind of delivery food is preferred by people(especially students in Hanyang) and where&why they enjoy them. And finally we can rank up the list of food and recommend the best delivery food to you if possible. It is going to be very entertaining and informative, isn't it?!

My main job of making video is camera work. Actually I have an interest in taking a photo, not specially in recording a video. However I am sure it is going to be very meaningful time to learn how to shoot a video. I will do my best to be a professional cameraman and record an awesome video for our team. 

And also, I do analyze the result of survey to get a useful information. I am going to make a chart or diagram to make it easy to see the outcomes at a glance and extract meaningful data from them. I am now considering which way is most efficient to represent the data. If you have any idea, feel free to tell me please.

Thank you in advance!! :)))

2015년 5월 3일 일요일

Campus in a rainy day

Hi guys!

Here I've attached the video I made.
It's about the loneliness in a rainy campus (Hanyang University).
At the time I took those pictures, there were raining outside. So I tried to find something lonely and makes me feel sad. What I found were a basketball court, a bench, a resting area, a playground and my friend(?). Please see the video and check it out:)

P.S. The background music is 'River flows in you' by Yiruma.

2015년 4월 27일 월요일

Midterm Essay Writing

1.   Intro


[Lets enter the topic(online shopping) from now on]

 The modern people living now are often described as the busiest creature ever. They are knocked down by so many works, works, and works. Actually they seem to have no time for themselves. To cure them, the technology has made something drawing them out of the misery. One of the special inventions is E-commerce which is called online shopping. It could provide modern people another buying option besides traditional shopping. All the shopping process can be done in your home through the internet.



[Global B2C E-Commerce (Online retailing)s booming]

The online shopping now seems to be highly emerging as you can see in the picture above. It shows the explicitly upward trend of new way of shopping. Even the growth rate is to be reduced a little amount, the sales are expected to grow continuously in the future.

Then, can it be the dominant way of shopping in the future? Lets have a look at some characteristics of online shopping mainly about benefits and costs. And there will be my recommendation about being smart shopper.

2.   Benefits of Online shopping



[This video shows how it is difficult to shop offline especially when time is running out.]

When you think of offline shopping (as seen above video), you can see how many benefits online shopping provides. Those factors are driving the enormous growth of online shopping as you can see in the graph above. Lets see what those are from now on.

2.1 Saving Time

 Definitely it saves your time. (Relatively with Traditional shopping as seen in the video above) The only thing you should do to buy something is just a couple of clicks. That means you dont need to spend your time browsing the stuffs back and forth on your feet.

2.2 Huge information accessible

 You might get just a few explanations by sales person when you visit the store. However, if you choose to shop online, you can easily access uncountable information which can help you comparing the prices, designs, features and so on.

2.3 No limit in time and place

 If you can access internet with any devices, you can do shopping anywhere and anytime. You dont need to worry about the distance and the closing hour of the store. It is no problem for online shopping because it runs 24/7.

2.4 Easy to get stuffs

 What makes online shopping more convenient is that the stuff you choose is going to be delivered just right to your home or wherever you are. And even its getting more faster so it takes much little time than before.


3.   Costs of Online shopping

 Weve just figured out what are the positive factors of online shopping. And now we are going to see what are the weakness and flaws of online shopping.

3.1 Physical experience

 The most critical drawback of online shopping is the lack of physical experience. No matter how hard it tries, it cant provide the tangible and intangible experiences the offline shopping gives. The atmosphere of the store, the impression of the real product, and most of all the joy of shopping is only available in the offline shop.

3.2 Annoying process

 It has somewhat annoying process to buy online also. For example, if you want to exchange the stuff with other size or get a refund, you have to pack it up on your own again and call the delivery man by making appointment. It can make you kind of stressful when you are busy to process it.

3.3 Waiting time

 Even though the delivery system has been highly developed, you still have to wait until it gets to your home. The time it takes differs according to the environmental factors such as weather, strikes of logistics, traffics and so on. It would be a problem if you need something urgently.

3.4 Personal Information

 There arising a huge issues about improper uses of your information you put to register the shopping mall. The membership program may give you a good chance of deal, but it also can trigger data spilling.


4.   Future way of shopping

 Weve found what are the benefits and costs of online shopping until now. Then, what do you see the future way of shopping? Is it going to be online or just be remained offline? In my opinion, even the online shopping is growing harder, it cannot be a dominant way of shopping. Following the factors I described before, there are some points which online shopping never overwhelm such as the physical experiences. Other things such as annoying process and waiting time, and personal information are going to be solved as the process getting developed. However, the physical experience is different thing not to be satisfied online. 



[This video shows how the smart shopper behave when doing shopping]


[This site introduces useful apps to help smart shopping like Best buy apps in the video]


To solve this problem, you need to be flexible and smart to use the both way of shopping. Because It can let you (1) take benefits and (2) reduce costs.

(1) Benefits you are mainly expected to get: Saving Time, Huge Information.
(2) Costs you are mainly expected to reduce: Physical Experiences

The flexible shopper is the one who uses the each channel as it is combined (as seen in the video). For example, when you decide to shop offline, just go and browse the items in person and get a great physical experience while you have all the information in your phone or tablet. Or you can search information and compare the prices before visiting the store. If it is more expensive to buy in store, you can just buy it online on the spot. These activities can save your time and expenses while attaining physical experiences. In that way, each way of shopping completes your shopping experience perfectly!


[Be the smart shopper!]

2015년 4월 9일 목요일

5B- Smartphone (Expressive)


"Have you ever seen this smartphone before?"

 Maybe just some of you guys will know it. Because it is pretty old smartphone which was released in October 2010(considering how fast the technology goes). Then why do I show this old smartphone to you? Right, this is the 'first smartphone' I had in my life.

 After graduate high school, I was eager to have smartphone which was booming in those days. So I pestered my parents to let me get the smartphone. But, as you know, in that time smartphone was so expensive to buy. So the optimal choice for me was to buy this low-end but cute looking smartphone which was called 'Mirach'. I was sooo happy to get this little device and played all day long with it!

 Actually, I have so many good memories with this phone spending my early 20's. I often talked with friends, especially with girlfriend through this device and had a lot of pictures capturing moments in those days. Even though it is now stucked in the small box covered with dust, it still reminds me of those memories and makes me happy or sad.

 I believe everyone has their own stuff which contains memories related with it. In that way, this smartphone, my mirach is the very one for me.

 Then, I would like to ask you "what was your first smartphone?"

5A- Smartphone (Persuasive)

Hi guys, nice to see you again :)

Here's today's topic: How to use your smartphone smartly.

Cube Smartphone animated GIF(source: www.reddit.com)

When you are considering how to use your smartphone in a smart way, you can think of some old-fashioned tips told by people, blogs, and manuals. Maybe those are instructions for specific functions which look 'really' fancy such as motion sensor, automatic synchronization with other devices and so on. Right! it is very smart function which has never been realized.
But.. do you really think using those functions make you smarter person?

      My answer is ...

Then how can we use the smartphone in a 'real smart way'?
Here're three short tips for you!
1. Don't use the smartphone in front of someone you are talking about.
It can harm the relationship with the person in front of you. He/she can feel isolated and think you are not interested in the conversation. It doesn't really look smart.

2. Don't use the smartphone when you are in a class.
You are not a special one who are allowed to use smartphone even the class seems boring. It is truly disrespectful to your professor and you are loosing opportunity getting good grade at the moment! You'd better be smart!

3. Don't let your smartphone bother you when you are studying.
Somebody thinks smartphone can help you study. That's true only when it is used for searching information, not chatting with your friends or watching something waste of time.

Those three tips are really b.a.s.i.c. rules I recommend for you.

Please keep in mind those and be the 'real smart person' who use smartphone wisely!!

2015년 4월 4일 토요일

Websites with Different Purposes!

Hi, everyone! Nice to meet you guys again :)

Today, I am going to introduce some websites which have different purposes such as (1) entertaining, (2) informative, (3) persuasive, (4) evaluative, and (5) expressive.

(1) Entertaining

Click to Visit: http://www.funnyordie.com

 If you want to see what's really funny, you've got to visit this site. It has a bunch of quality funny videos, gifs, articles and so on!! The posts on this site are rated by Funny or Die gauge which looks like a bar. You will see which one is funny or die at a glance! Of course, most of them are entertaining! What I enjoyed most among them were '21 Best gifs of all time of the week'. Those are short videos which captured funny situation. You'd better see those right now!

(2) Informative
 It is the encyclopedia which is made by people from all over the world. It has enormous information including from apple(fruit) to apple(corporate). And most impressive factor about it is that it's still being updated continuously by people!! You can find most up-to-dated information about what you want to know. And also It is translated into over 200 languages to be used everyone in the world. I often use this website to find info when I am doing my assignment.

(3) Persuasive
Click to Visit: http://www.amazon.com/
 When you want to buy something online, what's popping up in you mind? Definitely that is going to be Amazon.com. It is offering every products you want in a quite discounted price. You should be aware of that you can buy what you didn't intended before you visit that site. It is even more persuasive when it's running holiday promotion such as Black Friday. So I recommend you to browse more around those seasons to get something really cheap!

(4) Evaluative
 When you visit some tourist areas, you can easily find this mark on the door of restourants, hotels, and so on. Yes, It is a website which has an immense amount of reviews and ratings about tourist spots! It is so credible because it is completely made by real traveler! They use this website to find some good restourants, and after that they do an evaluating by rating or writing a review. I also used this website when I am traveling Europe last winter :)
(5) Expressive

Click to Visit: https://www.ted.com/
 If you want to get insights in any of the fields including techonology, entertainment, design and so on, you have to visit Ted.com. There are a lot of conferences recorded with different topics and speakers. As it's motto 'Ideas worth spreading', there flow a huge amount of worthy ideas. Speakers are very passionate to spread their ideas, opinions, feelings and so on. You will get what's in the celebrity's mind by watching their videos on this website!
It is the end of the posting. Thank you for reading and see you next time :)

2015년 3월 25일 수요일

Infographics about European Foods!!

(Please click for the larger image.)

Hello guys! Nice to meet you again :)

Today we (I and Jung Hoi Chae) made an infographics about European foods!

As you can see above, we tried to find out what the main food is in each european countries. We used the map of europe with landmarks of each countries and  numbered beside them to make it easier to connect the small box, introducing the foods, to the countries on the map. And we made almost all lines, boxes, images, backgrounds colored blue to be looking cool and to have unity. It looks nice right? haha And also we sought out food images looking delicious from Pinterest and Google Image.
I hope it works for your tastes:)

There were a lot of foods in every each countries, so we were kind of difficult to choose only one food in the small box. However, I am sure those foods we choosed are super highly recommended when you visit there :) In my personal experience, Paella in Spain was really tasty and satisfying! If you like seafood, you have got to visit Spain and try it!!

There are further information in the following site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_cuisine. If you think that site is too boring to look through, I recommend you to type 'European Food' in http://www.Pinterest.com. Then, you will find a bunch of useful and interesting information in there.

I hope you guys have enjoyed discovering the foods in Europe! While making this infographics I couldn't stop thinking about traveling Europe again. I might have to save money from now on haha.

Then see you'll again soon in the next post :)

2015년 3월 20일 금요일

Ideas about Digital Writing Tools!

Here's my ideas about digital writing tools!

(1) What do you like/dislike about using these and other types of multimedia tools?
What I liked most about using multimedia tools, such as twitter, pinterest, canvas, blogger and so on, was that it is really easy to spread my ideas and opinions to a lot of people at once!

 I think it is very innovative because I am only required to type some words within a seconds to do this whole things.

When I was a child, there were not enough channels to do this kind of communication (Actually there were no one like these). But in these days, It, so called SNS, became bigger and bigger enough to connect with anyone in the world.

It has made us more connected in terms of improvement of communication tools.

 (source: www.thefutureorganization.com)
However, I think we have to be careful of the privacy issues using SNS. If you are not conscious of your private information on SNS, someone who is trying to bad use of your information can harm you at any time. So you have to remember this whenever using these tools!

(2) What digital writing tools are you interested in and would like to try?

Recently, I used pinterest for the first time and just found it very fun and enjoyable! I can type any words I want to browse, and then there pop up a lot of posts and pictures about it. There are huge useful information and beautiful pictures! I think I can spend a whole day searching things in pinterest!
If I get a chance, I want to try Instagram also. I saw some friends of mine using that SNS. As fas as I know It can be connected with Facebook. And I heard it is more simple to do posting than Facebook which I am using now. I will try it sooner or later :)

2015년 3월 10일 화요일


Hello, everyone!

My name is Jeongtae Kim from South Korea.

I'm studying business administration in Hanyang University Business School in Seoul.

(picture of my school)

Actually It might be my first introduction to someone I don't know at all, so It makes me feel little awkward. However, I think It can be an important step to access you guys. So I am really exciting and enjoying it!

Then, I am going to give you some more information about me.

I am a male and 24 years old in Korean age. (so, definitely finished military service in Korea).

I enjoy eating something taste good and finding nice restaurants to eat. If I can get a chance, I am going to introduce some good restaurants in Wangsimni, where I live now, on my blog.

And one of my big parts in my life in these days is HESA which is a study association I am in. In that circle, I am studying business strategy by team projects. I am going to introduce you guys later for more detail. Here you can see our activities on the video.

This might be it for my introduction today. But remember this is not the end. I'm expecting to see you guys by the following post on my blog!!